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9 types of apps that will streamline your small business tasks

 To start a business from home, is not so easy as it sounds. There are smaller and bigger tasks that you need to finish, need to focus on, and need to track. Here are 9 apps that can help. I think we need them all ( maybe travel expences are not a big cost to be tracked today) :

How to get anything you want in life or business- Grant Cardone

10X Your Work Ethic - Grant Rant #81

It is sometimes hard to work from home, align family, household, errands etc. around your work. Here is two minutes that will surely help you.

Put Your Money Management To The Test

 If you were asked about your finances at night, awaken from sleep will you remember the figures?  Will you remember your deposits, your debts, your net savings, your average monthly expenses? Not many of us can answer these questions. Money is one of the most important parts of our life, but we don't know much about our own finances in precise terms. Is that not surprising? Money management plays a very vital role in success. If you were to put the same questions to a very successful person, you will get all the answers with analysis thrown in for good measure. Those who make very big money understand the importance of money management. Unless you manage your money properly, you will not be able to make the best use of it.  I would discuss few important parts of money management here, that I learned the hard way. Debt  - don't take debt if you can manage without that. The thought that you have debt makes you feel uncomfortable and kills enthusiasm. Ask two persons ...

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